Elvia Lab | Denver, CO - April 27th

Elvia Lab | Denver, CO - April 27th

Developed over eight years of use and implementation, talking to criminals, butchers, survival instructors and other specialists, this course delves into the use, applications and features of the Elvia design.

Blades are tools first.. and weapons later. In this class, explore the origins and movement of this specific design, and how to get the most out of your bladed tool. Want to learn to use it effectively? This is the class for you.

Kopis Designs will be on-site with exclusive limited edition L-Via’s made just for this class.

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Counter Custody | Toronto, canada - may 3rd-4th
to May 4

Counter Custody | Toronto, canada - may 3rd-4th

Tio Ed is going international to offer one of our most sought after courses, Counter Custody!

Hosted by True North Tradecraft (@truenorthtradecraft)

An updated, V2 version of the OG CCE curriculum, engineered to be a more comprehensive end-to-end introduction to urban survival. This is an immersive training experience designed to give students our basic toolkit for moving in a Non-Permissive Environment that is hostile to your presence.

With access to limited resources, tools, or support, participants will learn to observe, identify and overcome some of the most current/common tactics used for assault and abduction, as well as how to identify and build improvised weapons, and how to use and conceal counter custody tools.

Featured Modules:

*Conventional & Unconventional Restraints

*The Motel Armorer

*Weaponizing the Environment

The same curriculum we’ve used to train members of the press, international aid workers, at the FBI academy, and members of Border Patrol, this intensive course provides high-pressure situation-based training for those seeking proactive and, most importantly, realistic solutions for moving in Non-Permissive environments.

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Weaponology Upland, CA - May 24th-25th
to May 25

Weaponology Upland, CA - May 24th-25th

Co-hosted with Paulo Rubio - “Bladed Arts Specialist, Knife Instructor Military/LE/Civilian”

This module explores the subject matter of non-permissive environments and the weapons of opportunity that can be improvised, concealed and used in high risk situations.

Using case studies to reverse-engineer criminal methodologies involving weapons, the Weaponology Module focuses on the evidence-based employment of austere, environmentally sourced offensive tools. Designed for both government and civilian personnel that travel abroad and may have a need to create their own defensive options, this module not only focuses on fabrication and employment but also the frequently overlooked and rarely taught aspects of concealment and the "smugglers mindset" based on criminal modus operandi from around the world. This is designed to be an add-on series of skillsets for anyone with an existing combatives base or as an introduction to working in austere weapons-based environments.

**Note: Courses are non-refundable less than 30 days prior to the course start. For any questions about our refund policy, please contact us.

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Weaponology | Pensacola (Holt), FL - June 21st-22nd
to Jun 22

Weaponology | Pensacola (Holt), FL - June 21st-22nd

Taking place in sunny Florida near Pensacola, known for it’s amazing beaches. Bring the family for a nice weekend getaway while you get invaluable training.

This module explores the subject matter of non-permissive environments and the weapons of opportunity that can be improvised, concealed and used in high risk situations.

Using case studies to reverse-engineer criminal methodologies involving weapons, the Weaponology Module focuses on the evidence-based employment of austere, environmentally sourced offensive tools. Designed for both government and civilian personnel that travel abroad and may have a need to create their own defensive options, this module not only focuses on fabrication and employment but also the frequently overlooked and rarely taught aspects of concealment and the "smugglers mindset" based on criminal modus operandi from around the world. This is designed to be an add-on series of skillsets for anyone with an existing combatives base or as an introduction to working in austere weapons-based environments.

**Note: Courses are non-refundable less than 30 days prior to the course start. For any questions about our refund policy, please contact us.

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Counter Custody | Fort Walton Beach, FL - July 12th-13th
to Jul 13

Counter Custody | Fort Walton Beach, FL - July 12th-13th

Taking place in sunny Florida on the emerald coast, known for it’s amazing beaches. Bring the family for a nice weekend getaway while you get invaluable training.

An updated, V2 version of the OG CCE curriculum, engineered to be a more comprehensive end-to-end introduction to urban survival. This is an immersive training experience designed to give students our basic toolkit for moving in a Non-Permissive Environment that is hostile to your presence.

With access to limited resources, tools, or support, participants will learn to observe, identify and overcome some of the most current/common tactics used for assault and abduction, as well as how to identify and build improvised weapons, and how to use and conceal counter custody tools.

Featured Modules:

*Conventional & Unconventional Restraints

*The Motel Armorer

*Weaponizing the Environment

The same curriculum we’ve used to train members of the press, international aid workers, at the FBI academy, and members of Border Patrol, this intensive course provides high-pressure situation-based training for those seeking proactive and, most importantly, realistic solutions for moving in Non-Permissive environments.

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Covert Entry W/ SEREPICK | Windsor Locks, CT, July 19th-20th
to Jul 20

Covert Entry W/ SEREPICK | Windsor Locks, CT, July 19th-20th

Serepick HIVE module with Matt Fiddler

Our Covert Entry course with SEREPick is a specialized class spanning two days of intense hands-on experiences. In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about and defeat a range of locking mechanisms, door types and related hardware. You will progress through a variety of entry techniques, and learn to bypass all manner of infrastructure.

Designed for Law Enforcement Agents, Technicians, Operators, International Travelers - or anyone wanting a better understanding of locks and related technology - this course begins from a zero-knowledge base and advances as students progress.

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Zoom Course: Urban Movement & Disruption

Zoom Course: Urban Movement & Disruption

Back by popular demand: A crash course in modern urban survivalism according to Ed Calderon’s experience working South of the border.

Intended for anyone who travels, this course explores the survival mindset and disruptive problem-solving applied to a modern urban environment: social engineering, pattern recognition and exploitation, and relationship building.

In this course, you will deconstruct an urban environment, assess its risks and rewards and become an active player in what goes on around you at all levels. From pick pockets to escaping a foreign country as it's collapsing, you will learn how to observe - exploit and disrupt.

This half-day course, running Sunday, Jan 26, 2025 from 10:00AM - 2:00PM PST, will be offered in webinar format, and will include time for Q&A. This course includes digital homework and an extra-curricular assignment.

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to Dec 15



Open to any experience / skill level.

Designed to be more immersive & challenging than Counter Custody Entry, this class builds on the skills and mindset learned in previous CC classes to ensure you come away with a more refined understanding of your physical and mental capacity in dealing with various level of restraints in a non-permissive environment.

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Dallas, TX July 27th-28th
to Jul 28

Dallas, TX July 27th-28th

An updated, V2 version of the OG CCE curriculum, engineered to be a more comprehensive end-to-end introduction to urban survival. This is an immersive training experience designed to give students our basic toolkit for moving in a Non-Permissive Environment that is hostile to your presence.

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Developed over eight years of use and implementation, talking to criminals, butchers, survival instructors and other specialists, this course delves into the use, applications and features of the Elvia design.

Blades are tools first.. and weapons later. In this class, explore the origins and movement of this specific design, and how to get the most out of your bladed tool. Want to learn to use it effectively? Come and see us at the door.

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CLEVELAND, OH July 13th-14th
to Jul 14

CLEVELAND, OH July 13th-14th

An updated, V2 version of the OG CCE curriculum, engineered to be a more comprehensive end-to-end introduction to urban survival. This is an immersive training experience designed to give students our basic toolkit for moving in a Non-Permissive Environment that is hostile to your presence.

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Zoom Course: Ballistic Pig Lab

Zoom Course: Ballistic Pig Lab

A 1-hour ballistic pig lab showcasing the effects of various rounds through a body and some of the common malfunctions at contact range, this course is designed to be part of the expanded Weaponology curriculum, auxiliary material for students who have been through La Chata, and a primer for anyone with questions about the most commonly available defensive rounds and their effects on joints and tissue.

Broadcasting from our Lab at 4PM PST / 7PM EST on Sunday, June 23rd, this 60-minute course will include time for questions.

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San diego, CA: June 22nd-23rd
to Jun 23

San diego, CA: June 22nd-23rd

Chata is back - with a twist. This two-day collaboration between Ed Calderon and Raul Martinez delves into the specific uses of revolvers in defensive settings and close quarters combat, why and how they fit into an everyday carry setup, and when a revolver might be a good option.

This course includes the add-on PIG LAB: a 1-hour ballistic pig lab showcasing the effects of various rounds through a body and some of the common malfunctions at contact range.

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zoom Raffle: Live from Bladeshow

zoom Raffle: Live from Bladeshow

We’re going to be raffling off a collector’s package with a one-of-a-kind Elvia, $15 a ticket, done on a livecast from Bladeshow where we’ll be interviewing some of the knifemakers that have made the Elvia, and some of the people that have influenced our journey into EDC tools and design.

$15 includes a raffle ticket and access to our BTS hotel room Q&A.

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Introduction to Open Source Intelligence Gathering (OSINT), with a focus on the utilization of simple tools that you can carry in your pocket.

An expansion of the Urban Movement curriculum, if you’ve been through Urban Movement in the past, or you’ve ever been interested in the skills and tools of urban survival, this class is for you.

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to Apr 28


A multiple day experience designed to bring prior students back to the training floor to replicate, refresh and update skillsets: Blackbox draws from all of the entry-level classes to test your ingenuity and knowledge new and old in a competitive environment.

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to Apr 7


An updated, V2 version of the OG CCE curriculum, engineered to be a more comprehensive end-to-end introduction to urban survival. This is an immersive training experience designed to give students our basic toolkit for moving in a Non-Permissive Environment that is hostile to your presence.

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to Mar 17


Chata is back - with a twist. This two-day collaboration between Ed Calderon and Raul Martinez delves into the specific uses of revolvers in defensive settings and close quarters combat, why and how they fit into an everyday carry setup, and when a revolver might be a good option. Be prepared for an intensive, immersive experience: moving with firearms, improvised and discreet carry options, last ditch considerations, and more.

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New York City, NY February 3rd (Evening)

New York City, NY February 3rd (Evening)

Manifesto: Field Notes & Fever Dreams

This 2-hour fireside style chat with Ed Calderon is a look at the living manifesto: How to alchemize your experience, and create the future of your own making. This evening chat is a combination of lecture, stand-up and conversation, with time set aside for Q&A - and slots are limited.

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New York City, NY February 3rd-4th, 2024
to Feb 4

New York City, NY February 3rd-4th, 2024

Serepick HIVE with Matt Fiddler

Designed for Law Enforcement Agents, Technicians, Operators, International Travelers - or anyone wanting a better understanding of locks and related technology - this course begins from a zero-knowledge base and advances as students progress.

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San Diego, CA December 2nd-3rd, 2023
to Dec 3

San Diego, CA December 2nd-3rd, 2023

Sticks & Stones HIVE module with Raul Martinez

This two-day collaboration between Ed Calderon of Ed's Manifesto and Raul Martinez of Rogue Methods offers an introduction to the fabrication, deployment, and concealment of weapons at contact range and encompasses decision-making, weapons retention training, and the use of a handgun within clinch range both standing and on the ground.

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Denver, CO October 21st-22nd, 2023
to Oct 22

Denver, CO October 21st-22nd, 2023

Sticks & Stones HIVE module with Raul Martinez

This two-day collaboration between Ed Calderon of Ed's Manifesto and Raul Martinez of Rogue Methods offers an introduction to the fabrication, deployment, and concealment of weapons at contact range and encompasses decision-making, weapons retention training, and the use of a handgun within clinch range both standing and on the ground.

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Tucson, AZ -Protector's Symposium (PS6) - October 6th-9th, 2023
to Oct 9

Tucson, AZ -Protector's Symposium (PS6) - October 6th-9th, 2023

This event is for people from all walks of life. No matter what your background or your vocation, the PROTECTOR Symposium is designed to teach you the skills needed to be smarter, faster, and better at protecting yourself and your loved ones - no matter what disasters or world events take place

Online options are available!

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Riverside, CA July 22nd-23rd, 2023
to Jul 23

Riverside, CA July 22nd-23rd, 2023

Serepick - HIVE module w/ Matt Fiddler

Our Covert Entry course with SEREPick is a specialized class spanning two days of intense hands-on experience for up to 25 students. Our experience has been that Law Enforcement Agents, Technicians, Operators, and International Travelers are generally not familiar with locks and related technology, so we begin from a zero-knowledge base in our training and advance as the students progress.

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New York, NY May 26th, 2023

New York, NY May 26th, 2023

SEREPICK Single Day Entry CORE with Matt Fiddler

We offer CORE classes with hand-selected instructors who we’ve personally vetted to offer skillsets and training we’re not able to offer in-house

Join Matt Fiddler of SEREPICK for specialized single-day, hands-on introduction to commercial locks and bypass. This course familiarizes students with the mechanics and interiors of a variety of commercially available locks and related technology, allowing students to manipulate and bypass lock-related barriers at will. This hands-on course begins from a zero-knowledge base and advances as the students progress.

*Note: This is a solo course with Matt Fiddler, Ed Calderon will not be onsite.

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